Print from DOS on printers under Windows98, WinXP, Windows2000 DOSPRN 2.0
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    • Why doesn't your program work ?

      I need some more details to help you (normally, I'm  not capable of telepathy or clairvoyance ;). I need to know exactly what DOSPRN cannot do. 

      Please, describe in detail what you are trying to do with DOSPRN and what you did. Do not forget to mention the messages you received from DOSPRN, whether the document was printed and if so, why you didn't like it. 

      Just in case, let me know which operating system you have and the name of printer you use. I may also need your DOS document and/or contents of DOSPRN job file.

      Before e-mailing support, be sure that you're using the latest available version of DOSPRN and your problem is not described in this FAQ or DOSPRN documentation.

    • Do you have a temporary license to test the product ?

      DOSPRN is fully-functional shareware. You can download the self-installation module and test all DOSPRN features at no charge. You do not need to have a license KEY for this purpose. You should try DOSPRN and be convinced that DOSPRN can solve your problem with DOS printing before purchasing.

    • The text printed on paper includes letters and signs that should not be there. Why ?

      Your DOS program most likely uses some special Sequences to manage printing. DOSPRN can emulate some of them. You should select an appropriate Sequences palette. In the DOSPRN properties window, press the "Sequences" button to open the "Sequences" listbox.

      See more about DOSPRN sequences support. If you're sure you have 1selected the proper sequences palette, yet your documents include unusual characters, then e-mail support.

    • My document has been printed incorrectly. Can I give you this document to be tested ?

      Open the DOSPRN properties window and uncheck the "AutoPrint" option. With this, DOSPRN will capture the DOS program printing tasks but will not print them. 

      The detained tasks will be located in a DOSPRN temporary file (%USERPROFILE%\prnspl1 usually). This file also should be sent via e-mail to our support. If you need to continue the printing job later, you can select the "AutoPrint" option again.

    • I can print a text file with the DOSPRN "Print file" option but reports from my DOS program are not captured . Why ?

      Some DOS programs try to manage the printer directly through hardware input/output ports, without using DOS functions. DOSPRN can't capture reports from such programs. If your DOS application can save reports as a text file, proceed as follow: clear the DOSPRN "Capture port" option and set up the "Job filename" properties to match your report file names. Don't forget that temporary job file will be removed by DOSPRN after printing.


    • What is the registration and why is it necessary?

      DOSPRN is a shareware product. You can try it to get the idea of how it functions, check it's compatibility with yours DOS programs and decide if you need it. You can print up to one hundred documents for this purpose. At the point that you determine the usability of DOSPRN, you should either purchase DOSPRN or uninstall it.

    • What is the registration code and registration key?

      DOSPRN key protection is based on providing an individual license to every user. After installation on your computer, DOSPRN generates registration CODEs that consider your hardware and software configuration.

      Open the DOSPRN properties window and press the "Registration" button. In the "Code" field you can see one of the generated codes.

      When purchasing, you should enter the registration code of your DOSPRN copy. Our support will send an unlock key at the specified e-mail address. After you paste your unlock KEY in the corresponding field of the registration window, your DOSPRN license will be activated.

    • Each time I open the registration window I see a new code. Is anything wrong?

      No, this is correct. This is a part of the DOSPRN key protection system. You can send any code that you find there.

    • If I send you my registration code, shall I leave the registration window open and my computer switched on until I receive my unlock key?

      You shouldn't do so. You can send us any of the CODEs that you saw in the Registration window and close DOSPRN or shutdown your computer. The unlock KEY you will receive will activate your license. Please take care to make no mistakes when you type in the CODE or KEY. Use 'copy and paste' to avoid typos.

    • After typing my license KEY into registration window, a "Thank you...." message has appeared on the screen. But DOSPRN still shows the need to register window every time I print my report.

      When you type your registration KEY, DOSPRN accepts ANY key with a
      certain checksum. But only a valid KEY remove alerts when you print your
      DOS program reports.

      There are some ways that this situation can occur:
      1) You made a  mistake when sent to me your registration CODE or when you typed in your license KEY
      2) You have taken the registration CODE from a computer different from the one on which you are now trying to register DOSPRN.

      Please, open the DOSPRN registration window now and resend the CODE to me.

    • Shall I buy a new license if I need to reinstall my operating system?

      No, any purchased license is given "forever". If you reinstall the operating system, or if you install a new version of your OS on the same computer, you can use the received registration KEY for DOSPRN activation.

      If you make an essential upgrade of your computer or install DOSPRN on a new computer, then you should visit our service for automatic key generation, select the "Replace the existing key" option and specify

      • the number of the DOSPRN order
      • the email address used when purchasing the license
      • the current registration code (in order to get the registration code, open the main DOSPRN window, click on the 'Registration' button and copy data from the 'Code' field)
      • the previous license key

      Press the 'Get a license key' button and you will get the key free-of-charge.
      Then you can copy and paste it into the DOSPRN 'Registration' window on the computer.


    • How can I print a text of 130 characters wide on a standard sheet of paper?

      DOSPRN helps you print text with any font size. For example, if you set up CPI that is equal to 20 on "Fonts" page in the properties window, you can place more than 130 symbols on a standard sheet of paper. You can also use Esc-sequences to change printing density in runtime.

    • How can I print a DOS-file?

      Open the DOSPRN properties window. Press "Print file", select a file which then be printed and press "Open" button. You can also print any file automatically. To do this, copy your file so that it replaces the DOSPRN job file. This is usually "%USERPROFILE%\PRNSPL1".

    • How can I set DOSPRN to support DOS-programs in my language?

      You should first choose the proper codepage. Please look within the DOSPRN properties window -> "Fonts" tab -> "Font settings" region -> "CP" listbox.

      DOSPRN supports 850 (East Europe), 852 (West Europe), 737 (Greece), 437 (USA), 862 (Hebrew), 775 (Latvian), 855 (Bulgarian), 1125 (Ukrainian) and 866 (Cyrillic) codepages now. 

      The "Preview" button allows you to view ASCII.tbl file in this codepage. The Preview picture must match the layout of this file in the DOS-box. See more about codepages modules. If you have a clear idea of all this, you can create your own codepage module (*.cp) yourself. Otherwise, e-mail support.

    • How can I translate DOSPRN's interface into my language?

      Normally, the language interface pack is in a file with *.lng extension. See more about language modules.

      You can copy English.lng into YourLanguage.lng file and translate all sentences into your  language. If you do it, please send us your language file and we'll include it in the following version of DOSPRN. 

    • I found mistakes in the interface translated into my language. How do I correct them?

      Please accept our apologies if you find errors in the interface translation into your language. The translations were partially made by our users, and partially by automatic translation systems. Please send us your variants of translations of phrases where you found mistakes (or the whole YourLanguage.lng -- corrected file of the language interface pack).

    • Why are not all fonts available for printing from DOSPRN?

      DOSPRN uses Unicode for simultaneous display of symbols pertaining to different codepages. This is why your national letters and characters can print correctly only with fonts that support Unicode. We recommend that you use only monospaced fonts because many DOS-programs use tabulation for text alignment or columns, and only monospaced fonts can display such documents properly. We recommend that you use Courier New or Lucida Console fonts.

    • I have a computer with 2 printers. Can your program handle both?

      Yes, DOSPRN can print on any printing devices whose drivers have
      been installed on your computer.

      But at the present DOSPRN can print on only one printing device simultaneously. You can select the current printer in the DOSPRN properties window ("Printer" area, "Select" button).

      We plan to develop support for simultaneously printing on difference printers. If you have ideas as to how this should work, please mail to us your ideas.


    • What is a sequence ?

      Sequences are special sets of the ASCII-codes that are used to manage information layout being displayed by a printing device. For example, all Epson-compatible  printers support sequences of the ESC-P2 standard (i.e. Esc-sequences).

      Sequences enable changing size and pitch of the printed symbols, horizontal and vertical density of printing, and allow printing of simple graphic objects.

      By default, DOSPRN supports its own sequences palette, but it can emulate the more important ones and it often uses the resources of ESC-P2 standard. See more about ESC sequences 

    • My DOS-program works with Epson-compatible printers and it can print texts with letters of different sizes and pitches. I have tried DOSPRN, but all letters look the same on paper.

      DOSPRN uses its own palette of sequences by default. To switch to printing with ESC-P2 palette support, you should open the DOSPRN properties window, select "Main" tab and press "Sequences". Then, select "Epson Matrix" from the drop-down menu and press "Apply".


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